57.5 F
Los Angeles
Friday, Mar 28, 2025

Port Shippers, Clerks Still at Odds over Contract

Talks between shippers and striking shipping clerks at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach are still at an impasse after weekend talks.

With the strike in its fifth day, bargainers talked throughout the July 4th weekend, with another session scheduled for Tuesday after. While the clerks are some of the highest paid in the industry, they are worried about outsourcing of jobs and new technology that could result in job cuts.

The employers representing 14 carriers and terminal operators at the twin ports said they have offered the clerical workers job security guarantees, including protections against layoffs, but that the union, ILWU Local 63A Office Clerical Unit, wants them to agree to “featherbedding” — hiring people for temporary and full-time jobs even when there is no work to do.

&#8226 Read the full Daily Breeze story.

&#8226 Read the full KPCC.com story.

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