President, Cal State Los Angeles
THE LATEST: Under Covino Cal State L.A. ranked No. 1 in student upward mobility by the Equality of Opportunity Project. The organization’s 2017 report, which looked at how colleges and universities help their graduates, found that Cal State L.A. propelled a higher percentage of students from the bottom fifth of income into the top fifth of U.S. earners.
BACKGROUND: Covino joined Cal State L.A. in 2013 after stints at Fresno State, Stanislaus State, Florida Atlantic University, the University of Illinois at Chicago and San Diego State. He established the university’s Center for Engagement, Service and the Public Good, which encourages community service and service-learning opportunities.
WORTH NOTING: A graduate of Cal State Northridge, Covino is the author of five books, including “The Elements of Persuasion” and “The Art of Wondering.”