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Los Angeles
Friday, Jul 26, 2024

Executive Wellness




The Los Angeles Business Journal hosted a Digital Event on Executive Wellness. This panel addressed the importance of maintaining health through challenging circumstances for those leading our community.



Mental Health
Concierge Medicine
Ways we can improve work/life balance for our organizations
Together we can foster a healthier Community of Business™.


Event Polling Results:





Dr. David Iwane
Vice President of Human Resources and Associate Professor in the I/O Business Psychology Program
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology

“Executive wellness and well-being programs have become so essential to organizations today that the absence of an established plan may put companies in disadvantaged positions.”


Jackie Keller
Founding Director / Board of Directors
NutriFit, LLC / Foundation of the Womens’ Presidents Organization

“What is most important is to enlighten (provide insight, identify strengths), encourage (motivate, build self-efficacy), enable (plan, remind, support and evaluate) and inspire our employees and communities to achieve their personal and professional goals.”


Christina Miller, Ph.D.
President & CEO
Mental Health America of Los Angeles

“Mental health is not a binary phenomenon. We all face mental health challenges at some time. Learning key resiliencies can fortify us against the impact of past and future traumas.”


Denise Pines
Board of Directors
Federation of State Medical Boards

“Resilience is still the best friend we need to help us heal ourselves and embrace the challenges of this current time with wisdom, compassion, and skillful means — like employee wellness programs and integrated technology.”


Graham Tse, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
MemorialCare Miller Children & Women’s Hospital Long Beach

“As a health care organization, we took a serious look at how we were supporting our physicians and staff who were not only physically exhausted, but mentally and emotionally drained.”

Inside This Supplement

Cancer Doesn’t Wait: Early Detection is Key
Keeping up with your health is one of the most important ways to take care of yourself. Now is the perfect time to make sure you’re on track with your annual wellness checks and health screenings … Read More

Executive Wellness is a Worthy Investment
Successful businesses and organizations bought into the concept of employee wellness long ago. The benefits of these programs – improved productivity, morale, retention… Read More

Outsmart Your Pain by Finding Your Internal Support Group
When we are in the thick of a personal struggle, it would seem that the last thing on our mind would be the pains and difficulties of other people. As it turns out, research shows that going through hardship and pain makes us more compassionate and empathetic… Read More

Workplace Safety and Wellness is the Top Priority for Business Leaders in 2021
According to a recent survey conducted by Oasis, a Human Resources services provider, ensuring a safe work environment amid COVID-19 is the top priority among business leaders… Read More




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