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Friday, Feb 14, 2025

8 over 80: A. Charles Wilson

A. Charles Wilson, 92

Ernest Packaging Solutions, Commerce; Trio Tech International, Van Nuys; Daico Industries Inc., Carson.

Title: Chairman and Chief Executive, Ernest; Chairman, Trio Tech; Chairman, Daico

Background: Founded Ernest with his brother in 1946.

How many hours a week do you work?

40 to 50.

Why not retire?

I enjoy working. I love to help mentor our up-and-coming talent. The future is so bright.

Does your family want you to retire?

No, because they know I enjoy what I’m doing.

Best part of working past 80? Worst?

Is that I’m still working. Worst? I’m not as energetic as I once was.

Are you up to date on technology?

Yes, I read a lot and am fascinated. You must remember, when I was a kid, ice was delivered by horse and sliced bread was a novelty.

What is the best advice you ever got?

Every day is a gift and do the best you can to accomplish what you’re setting forth to do.

What advice would you give to people who want to work well past 65?

Try to keep your health so that you can accomplish your goals.

What’s the secret to staying healthy and active?

Thinking positively, exercising, and

eating properly.

Do you work as much as you used to in your 40s and 50s?

No, in terms of the physical hours. But on

using my mind, yes. I am always reading, attending a lecture.

How has your work routine changed?

Over the years I’ve grown into more management and less operating.

What do you miss the most about being young?

I don’t miss much because I try to think the future is always so interesting.

What do you see in the future?

Trying to enjoy the opportunities life presents to me.

– Paul Eakins

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