Web PR



Contact: Ron Kirkpatrick (714) 476-2242

March 17, 1997

New Orange County Business ‘Cybercenter’ Debuts On the Internet

A new “hub” of information for and about Orange County business in now just a quick click away with the debut this week of the Orange County Business Council’s (OCBC’s) new internet web site at www.ocbc.org.

The new 24-hour computer link is a reference information tool for both the public at large as well as OCBC’s 1,400 members. The Business Council views the site as a crucial two-way communication tool in accomplishing its mission to represent business on important issues, energize the local economy and market the county as a great place to visit, live and conduct business.

“If you want to know about business in Orange County, you should start with our web site,” said Ron Kirkpatrick, OCBC marketing/communications director. “Our intent was to provide some solid basic information as well as powerful referrals to other sources and sites that can provide business information and solutions.”

Among highlights of the site are:

– A business resource ‘cybercenter’ with brief descriptions and web links to other groups that support and help business

– A “Yahoo-type” searchable member database that allows visitors to quickly find local companies which provide products and services

– A complete Orange County database of key regional economic and demographic statistics

– A public affairs listing of the latest business issues, background and links to key governmental officials

– Background and contacts for the Orange County Film Commission and Orange County Tourism Council

– The latest information from Business Council publications along with a current calendar of the group’s events and meetings

Kirkpatrick said the site represents the best information gleaned from the county’s largest business group and will constantly change as business needs and information change in the global economy. It was developed in concert with two Orange County-based internet service companies, DeltaNet in Anaheim and BusinessWare, Inc. in San Clemente.

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