



H3 Environmental, Valley Village


Environmentally friendly bedding


$1,300-$3,500 depending on size and thickness

Mattresses in the Mary Cordaro Collection of Organic, Natural Beds and Bedding are made of pure natural latex from rubber trees, organic cotton, and PureGrow Wool. Conventional mattresses are typically made of synthetic fibers and foams.

Sleeping on H3 Environmental’s line of all-natural mattresses is also a happy experience for animal lovers because the wool comes from sheep untouched by chemicals or pesticides. They’re even sheared in mild weather so the creatures won’t get cold.

“Your body temperature and humidity is regulated by the wool you sleep cool in summer and warm in winter,” said H3 Environmental founder bau-biologist Mary Cordaro.

Bau-biologie is a green movement begun in Germany that literally means “building biology.” It aims to create building materials and furnishings that reinforce healthy environmental living.

Katherine Gray



Dacor, Diamond Bar


Kitchen unit allowing multiple forms of entertainment.



Some people cook with a screen over the frying pan to keep oil from splattering the stovetop. The screen in Dacor’s Kitchen Entertainment Center won’t keep things clean, but it will let you watch cooking shows or surf the net for recipes while you’re slicing veggies. The stainless steel compact entertainment system can be mounted under a cabinet. A 12-inch LCD monitor has touch-screen properties and can fold up when it’s not in use. The entertainment center comes with a wired Internet card (wireless is extra). The system can play DVDs and CDs, and it can be linked to another computer to access data. A wireless keyboard and waterproof remote are part of the package. The entertainment center allows video monitoring of other rooms in the house via wired or wireless cameras.

Aarthi Sivaraman

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