‘W’ For White-Washed

The aliens have landed and I have it on good authority that the first place they have taken over are our malls (“Westfield Leads Blanding of L.A. Shopping,” Sept. 23 issue). Sure, it was subtle at first, the red flags, the giant Westfield “W” and the Shoppingtown moniker.

When the aliens took up residence in our shopping centers, they took away something far more precious. They robbed it of its essence and personality and “red and white-washed” each one of its unique character.

Like it or not, shopping centers are today’s Main Street. They are our corner stores, an extension of the very community in which we live.

The opportunities lost for area businesses during the homogenization of the shopping center is substantial too.

I am sure that the consolidation of marketing efforts and the attempt at creating a brand that is Shoppingtown makes great sense on paper. I can’t help but wonder, at what cost.

Troy Mikell

Mikell & Co. Ad+Design

Woodland Hills

Mental Blindness

Your cartoon commentary in the Oct. 14 issue is a clear-cut example of the pernicious level of moral, intellectual and economic ignorance that exists within the media class.

To suggest that President Bush has harmed our economy and that now he is going to similarly “fix” Iraq’s, is the height of mental blindness and hubris. The success or failure of any economy is a direct reflection of the level of individual liberty and economic incentive that exists within it.

President Bush has been a champion of these principles and is helping to increase our economic health. The best example of this is the tax cut that put more money back into the hands of the American people. The people of Iraq can only hope to have the opportunity to have their economy directly influenced by America and its President.

The threat Saddam Hussein exemplifies requires immediate action. There is now compelling evidence that he possesses weapons capable of annihilating millions. What is required to positively respond to this situation is rational thought, an unambiguous moral compass and raw courage.

Vance McDonald

Liberty Journal

Los Angeles

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