Shriver for County Supervisor


The two candidates running for the contested seat on the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors are quite similar.

Bobby Shriver and Sheila Kuehl are both liberal Democrats. Both have Ivy League law degrees and are sometimes called activists. Both are concerned about transportation issues and the county’s foster care system. They’re even similar in that they’ve been in the limelight since their early years – he as a member of the Kennedy family and she as a TV actress in her teens and 20s.

But there’s at least one difference, and it’s an important one. Shriver is aware of the challenges facing business operators in Los Angeles and, in his visit with the Business Journal, he expressed at least some concern and support for the private sector. As for Kuehl, well, not so much. In her visit, she seemed unaware of any problems and, at times, dismissive.

Read the full story in the September 29 weekly edition of the Business Journal.

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