The Los Angeles Business Journal is, once again, pleased to unveil our annual Wealthiest Angelenos special edition. Over the past few months our editors, researchers and reporters have gathered, tracked and compiled data on the very wealthiest individuals (and a few couples) residing in the region. The past year has seen tremendous changes in accumulation of wealth — all of which is reflected on the following pages.
As a result of market conditions, inflation and many other factors, we see a slight decrease in 2022’s collective wealth of $236 billion, down 5.6% from the previous year’s $250 billion. Patrick Soon-Shiong tops the list at $19.1 billion, while Jeffrey Gundlach rounds out the roster of 50 at $1.7 billion. The Wealthiest Angelenos is still very much a billionaire’s club, with the floor increasing each year.
See the entire list here or click on the cover
I want to extend a special thank you to Editor Charles Crumpley, Managing Editor James Brock, Interim Managing Editor Hannah Madans Welk, Creative Director & Production Director Nina Bays, Art Director Marci Shrager, and the entire editorial team for their collaborative efforts and dedication to this special edition.We look forward to next year’s list and to seeing how the numbers, industries and, of course, people change.
With great respect,
Josh Schimmels
Publisher & CEO