53.3 F
Los Angeles
Monday, Mar 10, 2025

Top 100 Lawyers 2023 – JEFFREY POMERANTZ

Jeffrey Pomerantz is widely considered to be one of the nation’s preeminent restructuring attorneys. He has recently been heralded for his role as lead debtor counsel in the contentious and high-profile chapter 11 bankruptcy of investment advisor Highland Capital Management LP, which filed for bankruptcy protection because of over $1 billion of litigation claims. Highland’s plan was confirmed in 2021 and affirmed, in substantial part, by the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in 2022. Petitions for certiorari concerning the legality of exculpations and third-party releases are currently pending in the United States Supreme Court. Litigation related to the case has expanded across multiple US and international jurisdictions. As a member of PSZJ’s management committee and a co-chair of the firm’s creditors’ committee practice, Pomerantz’s practice includes representing companies, creditors’ committees and private equity funds in financial restructurings and merger-and-acquisition transac-tions both in and out of court.


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