David Iannini
William & Henry Associates
Specialty or Industry Focus: Private Company Sales and Capital Raising
David Iannini has over 30 years of investment banking and financial experience. He has held senior positions at Salomon Brothers, Schroder Wertheim, Barrington Associates, a division of Wells Fargo Securities and Greif & Co. During his career, Iannini has executed over 200 transactions for large capitalization public companies such as Avon Products, Xerox, Eastman Kodak, Toys R Us, Hilton Hotels and Textron and many others.
For the past 15 years, Iannini has brought to the private middle-market business owner his significant experience gained in executing multi-billion dollar transactions for Fortune 1000 companies. In particular, he has helped many private business owners successfully navigate the significant financial due diligence requirements needed to complete a transaction. Recently, Iannini has successfully competed the sales of Lunada Bay Tile, Amtex Distribution, Murrine Mosaics and Accents in Tile.