

Hed — Runaway Train

Rupert Murdoch’s global pursuits would be a little scary were they not so logical and well-crafted. The proposed acquisition of Pat Robertson’s Family Channel, announced last week, provides him with immediate access to one of the 10 most-watched cable networks (thereby providing an avenue in which to channel Fox-originated programming).

His deal for a minority stake in the cable industry’s own direct-satellite venture, Primestar Partners, avoids a no-win confrontation with his cable competitors and is a whole lot cheaper to boot.

The City Council would do well to take notes. Murdoch’s ambitions are not only wide, they’re intertwined, and if he winds up buying the Dodgers, he’ll be certain to want more including, perhaps, an NFL franchise and a new stadium.

Jumping on board such a fast-moving train could be pretty exciting for Los Angeles so long as we keep our eyes open.

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