LABJ FORUM – The ‘Must Have’ List
Back-to-school season thrills retailers. If heading back to class instills dread in high school and college students, the opportunity to pick up on the latest trend often proves irresistible. From consumer electronics to clothing to desk supplies, the retailers that do best are the ones that are well stocked with the latest hot item. So the Business Journal asks:
What’s the must have product of the back-to-school season?
Scott Meredith
Operations Manager
Bed Bath & Beyond,
Studio City
It’s usually twin extra long sheets or twin extra long down mattress pads and comforters. We also have tote caddies for the showers and hairdryers that are popular. We have low-end products that cater to the college crowd.
Lisa Bonar
Apparel Manager
The mod look is very in. A Sixties retro look is very much back in style. Pleated skirts and collared shirts is a huge trend.
Sunday Mensah, Manager
Fred Segal Sportswear and Kids
Love. That’s the back to school fashion. That’s what everyone needs. For girls, it’s been just your basic two-piece zip-up-hoodie with different types of fabric. And for guys, it’s just T-shirts and cargos.
Journard Collins, Manager
Staples, North Hollywood
They’re all coming in for the basics, like pens, pencils and pencil sharpeners. One hot thing is book socks. They’re made of fabric. It comes in a little square pack and it stretches out to cover a book.
Tiffany Jones
Jerseys, Timberlands and Puma Romas for the guys in high school. A lot of Jordans for boys.
Gary Harris
Inventory Manager
Best Buy, Westwood
Our store is right in front of UCLA so we get a lot of college students who are looking to buy personal digital assistants. They really use them for studying and they have the capacity to be used as a note-taker.
Greg Faulds
Circuit City, Westwood
This season is the same as last season everyone wants a laptop. They’re versatile because they’re good for study and for down time. Every student needs a CD burner, and a way to get onto their school’s Internet network. And they want bigger screens. The hottest brands right now are Sony and Toshiba because they have the best features for the money.
Joan Anderson
Marketing Manager
Costco, Culver City
Parents want to put water in their kids’ lunches instead of juice now, to get away from all that sugar. Anything that’s small and packaged is really popular like granola bars. And a really fun one is those Lunchables, where you get a prepackaged meal, but we only sell them in four-packs so it isn’t even enough for a full school week.