Rupert Murdoch’s planned purchase of the Los Angeles Dodgers is expected to have profound implications not only for the Dodgers, but for the City of Los Angeles. The purchase could mean greater exposure for Los Angeles around the world. Owner Peter O’Malley has built the club into a high-visibility, family- and community-oriented team.
Murdoch’s proposed purchase is already being scrutinized by baseball club owners, who will ultimately approve or reject the deal. The Business Journal Forum asks:
What do you think of Rupert Murdoch owning the Dodgers?
Christopher Barrett
Metropolitan Talent Agency
I think it will be terrific. I think he will internationalize baseball, and their games will appear all over the world. Even if the risk exists that he may move them out of the city, many teams have come and gone. It would be a shame if he took the team out of the city, but why would he want to move them from this media center? It would not be logical. But he could internationalize the Dodgers and use the game and the season for sports-hungry Europe and the Orient.
Allan J. Abshez
Irell & Manella LLP
I think that Fox is in a position to maximize the value of the Dodgers as a business through integrated marketing and presentation. There’s going to be changes in store for the fans, but those kind of changes are inevitable and they would be inevitable no matter who the Dodgers would be sold to. A sale to Murdoch will provide the baseball team with the resources to be a stronger organization than ever. Hopefully, they will stay with the same management philosophy that made them such an institution.
Brian Fox
B.D. Fox & Friends Inc. Advertising
I think the change will be positive. It will bring added entertainment value to the team. He (Murdoch) is an excellent showman.
Chip Nuzzo
I think it is unfortunate because the appeal of baseball is tradition. It marks the end of family-owned baseball.
Coby King
Vice President
Rogers & Associates
Personally, I think it’s sad to see one of the last great sports-owning families pass from the scene. It’s hard to imagine a better-run sports organization than the Dodgers. If the purchase by Fox goes through, Rupert Murdoch will have bought himself great goodwill and a golden opportunity. However, he needs to take a personal interest in the fortunes of the team. Corporate ownership of sports teams can fail when there is a lack of the kind of strong, community-minded vision that made the O’Malley family such a boon to Los Angeles.