Pasadena engineering and consulting firm Tetra Tech, Inc. announced July 23 that the U.S. Agency for International Development has awarded the company an $85 million contract to support enhanced energy security in Ukraine.
The contract is part of a five-year USAID program that aims to increase the resilience of energy supplies in Ukraine and to improve the legal and regulatory environment in that country’s energy sector.
Tetra Tech will provide technical services to support private sector-led energy investments, increased renewable energy generation, and reliable energy for Ukraine. Specific tasks will include developing energy market models for competitive energy markets, completing renewable energy assessments, and developing financial incentives to facilitate private sector investment in renewable energy.
“Tetra Tech is pleased to support USAID’s work in Ukraine to improve energy efficiency and supply while stimulating economic growth for the region and its citizens,” Dan Batrack, Tetra Tech’s chief executive, said in a statement.
Economy, education, energy and transportation reporter Howard Fine can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @howardafine