Uber, Lyft Say Carpooling Popular in LA


Californians have embraced carpooling options offered by ridesharing companies Uber and Lyft despite the fact that commercial carpooling is still illegal in the state, the Los Angeles Times reported Friday.

In the year since San Francisco’s Uber Technologies Inc. launched its UberPool carpooling service, it has accounted for 25 percent of all Uber trips taken in Los Angeles, according to the company. While it wouldn’t give an exact number, Uber said millions of carpools have been taken in L.A. using its app.

Rival rideshare firm Lyft offers a similar carpooling service called Lyft Line, which launched in Los Angeles nearly a year and a half ago. While Lyft declined to disclose its local ride numbers, the company reported that Lyft Line usage has grown more than fourfold since its launch.

Despite this trend, a bill legalizing commercial carpooling has yet to be passed by the California Legislature.

The Public Utilities Commission, which regulates transportation network companies, chose not to enforce the 1961 law prohibiting commercial carpooling when Uber and Lyft launched their services. The commission has said the law should be updated.

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