Hollywood publicity and marketing agency PMK-BNC has absorbed the clients and principals of boutique PR agency Prime.
The New York Times reported Friday that Prime’s founders, Joy Fehily and Michael Donkis, would fold their operations into the larger firm. The move will result in clients such as Robert Downey Jr., Seth MacFarlane, Aaron Sorkin and several noted Hollywood directors into the PMK-BNC client base.
Fehily and Donkis will become executive vice presidents and oversee a new “entertainment strategy and development” division. A half-dozen junior Prime publicists will also become PMK-BNC staffers.
Cindi Berger, chief executive of PMK-BNC, said in a statement that the former Prime staff would bring her company “tremendous thought-leadership and gravitas.”
News of the PMK-BNC acquisition is generating some concern about monopolization through the entertainment industry, according to the New York Times, as smaller firms are having a more difficult time offering necessary services required for the 24-hour news cycle in print, online and digitally.