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Wednesday, Mar 26, 2025

Jill Albert is Always Testing, Learning

Jill Albert’s Venice-based audio advertising agency Direct Results uses clients’ historical data and past campaigns to provide strategic media recommendations. The company employs targeting technology and proprietary data to deliver results. According to the company, “radio,” in the form of AM/FM, satellite, podcast or streaming, reaches 93% of all U.S. adults on a weekly basis. Albert spoke with the Business Journal about the competitive advertising field and testing new tools out.

What made you decide to go into the industry you’re in now?

When I first entered advertising it was very competitive. The industry was experiencing double-digit growth annually. It was fast-paced, exciting and experiencing tremendous change, attracting uber talented professionals. You had to have an “it” factor to get in and a lot of focus and perseverance to stay in. I loved the fusion of traditional business and creativity and I wanted to be in a fast paced, competitive sector of business.

What have you learned about it?

I love it. It is ever changing. The psychology of connecting people with products and services is tremendously rewarding. We spend a lot of time understanding the appeal of products and the purchase cycle. We are in the business of customer acquisition which means we measure the response of every dollar spent in media required to acquire new customers. We are meticulous with messaging, measuring response and scaling campaigns for growth. Ultimately we get to help people discover new products which enhance their lives and help build and grow companies. Everything is both strategic and measurable. When we study the response data closely and pivot as needed, the campaigns are successful and that happens almost every time and that is very fun and rewarding.

What is the number one piece of advice you’d give to women who want to start or operate their own businesses?

I need more than one! Be very pure in your mission and intentions every day. Study trends, data and what is going on in the industry. Define clear and measurable goals that hold you accountable. Work very hard, be honest always, do not worry about the money – if you are doing great work, it will come every time. Think about the customer first and always. How will the message you are delivering be received? Always do what you say you are going to do, be good to your word.

What have you done this past year to ensure that your business is a leader in its industry?

We are always testing and learning. Our simple formula is 80% proven tactics and 20% testing. Right now we are testing AI marketing tools using multiple messaging content and various voices and tones in ads, with AI optimization to effectively match ads with various demos to deliver the most effective response.

What steps do you take to build community and a positive work culture within your business?

We meet as a team regularly to share challenges, brainstorm ideas and celebrate wins. We incentivize our team to participate in outside education, panels and industry events. We share what we learn and collectively lift the team with each experience. Philanthropically we do fun things together including making lunches and birthday boxes supporting homeless communities, greeting cards bringing cheer to kids in hospitals and volunteering with inner city programs mentoring high school kids with entrepreneurial spirits.

What aspects of operating your business do you find the most challenging?   

The separation since Covid is still challenging. I am a big believer in the “energy in the room.” Meeting with clients and vendors in person is essential for building relationships, and relationships are what make a difference in every business. We are returning to this but the transition back is slower than I care for.

Conversely, which aspects have been the most rewarding?

Teaching, inspiring, and watching our junior staff flourish is incredibly rewarding. Observing new team members learn from our senior staff and seeing the senior staff energized by the juniors is invigorating. We focus on building partnerships based on trust, respect and opportunity, helping our partners excel. The creativity, the constant evolution, and, above all, helping our clients achieve success and become superstars is the best part of what we do.

Has being a woman in your industry provided you with a different or unique perspective over the years?

Women are collaborative by nature and, in my opinion, more mindful at customizing messages for the recipient to be effectively received.  The way we listen allows us to understand and appreciate each other’s point of view and in doing so, we are able to communicate effectively, overcome challenges and drive very effective solutions.

Who has inspired you throughout your business journey, and what is the most important thing you’ve learned from them?

So many. The first, whom I never met, is Helen Gurley Brown, who preached hard work above all. Katharine Graham, a pioneer of media, brilliant, resilient, incredible. And in our industry, Bob McCurdy and Ralph Guild, two men that combined very hard work, an insatiable appetite for learning, an infectious energy and grit to inspire me every day.

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