Wealthiest Angelenos: 19, Donald & Rochelle Sterling


Net Worth: $3.77 billion, up 10.8 percent

LAST YEAR: $3.4 billion

AGE: 82 (Donald)

RESIDENCE: Beverly Hills


THE MONEY: Has held nearly all of real estate acquired since 1960s. Expansive portfolio of more than 160 apartment buildings in Los Angeles continues to appreciate. Wealth declined by $2.5 million after fine by National Basketball Association for Donald’s racist comments; boosted by forced sale of Los Angeles Clippers to Steve Ballmer for $2 billion.

THE BUZZ: Sterlings sticking together. Donald filed for divorce from Shelly, his wife of six decades, in August but changed mind in March. Still, couple has been separated for years, according to Shelly. Relationship withered further amid Donald’s forced sale of Clippers for $2 billion in 2014 after racist comment controversy and gift-laden relationship with V. Stiviano. Shelly sued Stiviano over gifts, and in April 2015 won $2.6 million in cash, gifts, cars, and house. Federal judge in March dismissed Donald’s claim that NBA and wife conspired to sell Clippers without his permission.

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