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Los Angeles
Friday, Feb 28, 2025

Twenties: Meridith Valiando & Chris Rojas

DigiTour, a YouTube concert company, West Hollywood


FINANCIALS: Profitable.

What led you to start your own company?

Valiando: I was managing an artist on Capitol Records – the label spent more than $600,000 in promo and still no one knew his name. In 2009, the label came to me and asked me to increase his social media presence and find him a tour. I attempted to kill two birds with one stone and ended up venturing into a startup where we bridged the gap between new and traditional media through touring. DigiTour is a YouTube music tour, currently in its second year. The social media superstars we feature have a combined 2 billion views and more than 10 million subscribed fans.

Where did you get the startup money?

Rojas: Sweat equity, and as always with any true startup, a hefty amount of personal financing.

What was the most important lesson you learned?

Valiando: Some executives still do not want to embrace the Internet as legitimate but when one artist garners over 235 million views it is inarguable that he or she is valuable and in demand.

Does your youth lead to awkward situations?

Valiando: I’ve stepped into meetings and was mistaken for the intern. It was always funny when the clients arriving to meet me were looking for someone 40-plus years old. I’m often at first glance not accepted as the boss – a young-looking 27 – but once I head to the boardroom meetings I’m instantly identified as a stronger leader with clearly defined objectives and strategies.

Will you start another company? 

Valiando: I think we will start many. I dream about ideas and implementing them all day. Building new business is in our bones. Chris and I live to work so we can implement our many ideas and watch them come to life.

Could you ever work for someone else?

Valiando: I don’t think I could ever work for a company I didn’t have some ownership of. I could see different companies where I may not be the head or CEO and I’m fine with that. I know my strengths and love to surround myself with smarter people than myself so they can challenge me and I can learn from them.

What do you do to relax?

Valiando: I love to cook. The more stressed out I become the more gourmet the meal. In the most chaotic business moments in my life, I have turned to the kitchen for relief. Luckily, Chris, my fiancé, gets to benefit.

Rojas: I listen to classical music; I played in symphonies when I was younger and listening to the pieces we practiced for hours on end always brings me back to that time in my life. I also enjoy reading biographies about iconoclastic filmmakers.

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