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Los Angeles
Saturday, Mar 1, 2025

LA 500: Anthony Pritzker

Anthony Pritzker

Managing Partner, Pritzker Group

Tony Pritzker is founder and managing partner of Pritzker Group. He has spent more than 20 years leading middle-market manufacturing and distribution companies. From 2004 to 2007, he was chairman of AmSafe Partners, the leader in aircraft seating restraints. From 2000 to 2004 he was president of Baker Tanks, the nation’s leading tank and pump equipment rental business. In 1998, he was appointed by the Marmon Group to oversee Stainless Industrial Cos., a portfolio of several industrial manufacturing companies. Prior to 1998, Pritzker directed operations in Asia for Getz Bros. & Co., while at the same time serving as Group Executive at the Marmon Group. He chairs UCLA’s Institute of the Environment and Sustainability and co-chairs the UCLA Centennial Campaign Committee. He also serves on the boards of the Hammer Museum, the L.A. County Museum of Art, and Foster Care Counts.

Enjoy most: Working with my brother, J.B. He’s my most trusted ally and best friend.

Toughest challenge: There was a negotiation with one company several years ago that took an especially negative turn. Ultimately, it brought everyone in the negotiation closer together and we were able to develop a solution that worked for all involved.

Proudest moment: Seeing my sister Penny installed as the U.S. Secretary of Commerce, and seeing my brother J.B. honored by Ernst and Young as a master entrepreneur.

Best advice: Don’t compromise when it comes to working with great talent.

Alma Maters: BA, Dartmouth College; MBA, University of Chicago.

Fun fact: I’ve successfully completed eight Ironman triathlons and 22 marathons.

Bucket list: I’d like to bike around the island of Sicily.

Favorite destination: Anywhere with my family.

Hobby/passion: Triathlons and cycling.

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