Leron Gubler
Chief Executive, Hollywood Chamber of Commerce
Leron Gubler has been president and chief executive of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce for 25 years. He assisted in the development of four successful business improvement districts and directed the advocacy organization through the process of successfully creating the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce Political Action Committee in 2010 and the unique Hollywood Chamber of Commerce Community Foundation in 1993. Gubler previously served as president of the San Pedro Chamber of Commerce. He serves on the advisory board to Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center and on the board of Film L.A. Inc.
Enjoy most: Working with the Chamber’s volunteers, who are committed to the future of our community.
Toughest challenge: Dealing with inertia. Helping people catch the vision is the challenge.
Proudest moment: Other than the birth of my children, the opening of the Hollywood & Highland center. I knew then the Hollywood comeback was real.
Most excited: I am most excited about Hollywood’s future. To turn around the historic film capital and see it become a vibrant live-work community is very exciting.
Best advice: If you say you are going to do something, then you’d better do it.
Alma mater: BA and Masters of Public Administration, BYU.
Fun fact: I’m a country boy, coming from the farm country of Central California.
Bucket list: A lot more international travel.
Hobby/passion: Gardening and hiking.
Favorite destination: Europe.