Weekly Briefing


The Weekly Briefing


Q We have three part-time and one full-time job openings for computer programmers that we haven’t been able to fill through local newspaper advertising, which has become expensive. We’re in Chatsworth and the people we need to reach live outside the area. What is a fast, cheap way of advertising these jobs so that we get a large selection of qualified applicants?

Max Schulze, Vice President, Finance, MCRB Service Bureau

A Believe it or not, the Employment Development Department of California now gives you a way to advertise directly to employees and have them call you directly without having to go down to a state office.

It’s a new, online national job bank run by the Department of Labor, called America’s Job Bank.

Log on to www.edd.cahwnet.gov, click the button “For Employers,” then click “America’s Job Bank” under Recruitment/Referral Services.

This menu-driven program shows you how to enter a job listing free of charge.

Job-seekers can access listings from their own machines or at one of the terminals available at EDD offices. (The state EDD facilitates the federal job bank.) Applicants contact you directly in any manner you designate.

The interesting point about this service is that you don’t have to go anywhere, wait in any line or deal with anyone from the state government over the telephone. It’s available free and it’s nationwide in scope.

While you’re on the Web site for EDD you might want to check out what else is there. Information is available about everything from making an “offer in compromise” if you’re behind in state payroll tax payments to tax credits you may qualify for when hiring someone new.

There are even regional and local breakdowns of income and employment statistics that can be used in designing a business plan. Most questions can be easily answered about disability or unemployment insurance or employment taxes without having to stay on hold forever.

This Web site can be reached if you have America Online, Compuserve or any other Web site provider on your computer. Be sure to have your California employer tax ID number ready if you want to list a job.

If your modem is down, you can call Nelson R. Zuniga, the local EDD rep for this program, at (818) 350-6554 or fax information to him at (818) 350-6477.

Please write to Editor, The Weekly Briefing, 5700 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 170, Los Angeles CA 90036. Bruce Dobb is the chief credit officer for the Valley Economic Development Center’s revolving loan fund. His column appears alternate weeks.

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