My Favorite Sites


My Favorite Sites

Allison Balson

Financial consultant, Salomon Smith Barney

This site highlights local bands of all genres. It allows the artists themselves to have a voice, to review colleagues. It highlights bands that have been signed recently, so you can see their progression.

This one has a broad-based library of all artists. It includes all performers, producers, engineers, people who make up the music scene, from unknown locals to internationally known recording artists. It’s always very cool, with up-to-date stories on what goes on in the music world. I look at it daily.

I don’t subscribe to the magazine, but I like the site. They started a section where they highlight unsigned artists. I’m not sure of the criteria, but I’ve seen artists that appear on the Web site featured in the magazine later on.

I’m a member of the American Society of Composers, Artists and Publishers, but even if you’re not, you can use its site. It has information on things like getting your music into film. It also discusses what they’re up to in regard to the legal issues, like with Napster.

Jonathan Diamond

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