Mark Lacter



You’ve got to have friends, as Bette Midler reminds us, and the Business Journal has been lucky to have more than its share. Each week, we have countless friends who provide us with data, tips and commentary on a range of business fronts. Without their help, this paper would not function.

Our special report on L.A.’s most profitable public companies is a case in point. Researching this year’s list proved especially frustrating because Los Angeles has so many small-cap issues and several of the major data gathering services were late in recording their ’98 financial results.

We presented the problem to the Los Angeles office of Duff & Phelps (which prepares our LABJ 100 information each week), and they quickly went to work tracking down the missing numbers or, at the least, providing us with the most recently reported four quarters. Then, working with Deputy Managing Editor Mike Stremfel, it became a process of refining the results to suit our parameters.

We thank our friends at Duff & Phelps, Marissa Jaramillo, Andrey Kalashnikov and Greg Range, for making it happen.

Mark Lacter


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