

We welcome a new addition to the Business Journal Bloomberg News.

As many of you know, Bloomberg has seen amazing growth since it published its first story in 1990. By last count, it has 700 reporters in 80 bureaus around the world including Los Angeles. Its stories appear in hundreds of newspapers.

Bloomberg’s collection of data stock charts, indexes and economic indicators represents a mother lode for business journalists. In addition, the service offers an array of prominent columnists, several of whom will be gracing our pages. This week, we have Kathryn Harris providing her take on the Disney-Katzenberg trial (page 21).

Our use of a service like Bloomberg is another example of the melding going on in the business media. What we try to do each week is not that different from what the national magazines do, which is not that different from what the major daily papers do, which is not that different from what the financial cable channels do. All of which makes for exciting times in our industry.

Mark Lacter


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