I am pleased to be writing these words on a brand new personal computer, part of our long-awaited arrival into the modern era.
I’m being a little dramatic. Like all news organizations, we have been using computers for years. It’s just that the old machines were, well, a little old, a little slow, and not all that powerful. Here we were in the communications business, and I had no means to electronically communicate with Managing Editor John Corrigan, whose desk is no more than 20 feet away.
All that changes with our new system but not before we get through the “glitch” phase.
You know what I mean. We are experiencing that awful first stage of blank monitors, missing files and garbled page proofs. In the process of working out the bugs this week, you might notice a few typographical oddities here and there.
None of this affects our news product thanks, of course, to a great newsroom crew. And bear with us on the bugs; they’ll be worked out in no time.
Mark Lacter