Long Beach Memorial Medical Center
Year Founded: 1907
Employees: 3,950
Licensed Beds: 760
Occupancy Rate: 61%
Births: 5,013
Deaths: 687
Emergency Room Visits: 50,576
Surgical Operations
Inpatient: 9,211
Outpatient: 12,669
A subsidiary of Memorial Health Services, Long Beach Memorial Medical Center is the third largest private hospital on the West Coast. It’s also one of the few independent community hospitals that have managed to stay out of the red a feat hospital officials attribute to effective management and standardized clinical guidelines.
Those guidelines spell out specific procedures that are to be used in testing and treating patients. They do not always specify the lowest-cost course; the hospital requires, for example, that two physicians look at mammogram test results. But the guidelines have been found to be very cost-effective over the long term.
Last year, PacifiCare Health Systems awarded the hospital an unprecedented 10-year contract. Previously the HMO had limited its care provider contracts to only two years. This summer it received a Gold Star award from the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, the nation’s leading accrediting organization in health care.
Edvard Petterson