LA Stories


Uncovering Tarzan

Maybe they should’ve named it “Booty Call II.”

Disney animators are upset by advertising around town for the new “Tarzan” movie set to open June 18.

They think Tarzan is showing too much tush.

The fact is, animators went to great lengths to keep the Lord of the Jungle’s posterior covered over many years of animating the film.

“We just spent three years making sure Tarzan was covered by his loincloth on every frame of the film,” said one shocked animator.

“I mean, the studio guys would come back to us if one frame of the film was showing too much We had his loincloth defying gravity to keep him covered up.”

Winning Either Way

Talk about hedging your bets.

The Central City Association was unable to choose between Victor Griego and Nick Pacheco, two candidates in the runoff for L.A.’s 14th Council District. So, what did it do?

Instead of deciding to sit out the race, the downtown business coalition decided to endorse Griego and Pacheco.

“We felt that both candidates were well-qualified,” said Carol Schatz, president and chief executive of the CCA.

Schatz said that in no way was the move intended to keep the CCA in good standing with whoever might win the race.

“We’ve had dual endorsements before,” she said. “We’ve endorsed as many as four candidates in some local elections. It’s our policy to endorse whoever we feel is qualified, regardless of who the opponents are.”

Backing Hillary

The 2000 campaign season may be a long way off, but a new campaign storefront opened in L.A. last week: “Hillary for President 2000.”

That’s right, Hillary Clinton for president.

The small Robertson Boulevard storefront is the brainchild of businessman Max Rhodes, who owns a Carson-based sign company. He became a Hillary convert last fall after learning of her activities on behalf of children around the world. He got together with graphic designer Debra Valencia and writer Suzanne Finne to form Hillary for President 2000.

There’s only one problem: Hillary Clinton is on the verge of declaring her candidacy for the New York Senate seat being vacated by Daniel Patrick Moynihan. And that doesn’t sit well with Rhodes.

“We would not support her for Senate, in no way, whatsoever,” Rhodes said.

Footwear Fanatics

Standing in line in the name of nostalgia seems to be a permanent part of the L.A. landscape.

Anyone who saw the line of at least 50 people outside the Niketown store in Beverly Hills at 6:30 a.m. last Wednesday might have thought “Star Wars” memorabilia was on sale.

In fact, the occasion marked nothing more than the first day of sales of a basketball shoe actually, an old basketball shoe.

The crowds were there to get their hands on the special edition re-release of the Air Jordan IV, a Michael Jordan-endorsed piece of footwear that was first introduced in 1989.

“People kept asking when it was coming back, so we decided to give the public another chance at it,” said Nike spokesman Dean Stoyer.

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