Friends of Westwood Blocking Progress
I attended the May 5 Working Group meeting on the Village Center Westwood Project, where I listened with dismay and frustration as the Laura Lake-led homeowners kept harping on the same tired issues. Despite all the changes made to the project, the basic formula of their arguments against it have not changed a bit “Westwood does not need (fill in the blank).”
Far from gaining any credibility, they come off as strident, short-sighted, and unwilling to yield to any compromise despite the greater good that the community stands to gain from the project. The developer has shown good faith in over 100 community meetings in his efforts to reach workable solutions to the very issues they bring up.
Instead of acknowleging this effort, Laura Lake’s friends (the Friends of Westwood) continue their ranting. Why do they insist on blocking progress?
It is easier to point fingers and lay the blame squarely on the developer than to admit their true motivation to halt all development in the Village. They maintain that they want revitalization, but even after the developer makes changes, they oppose every update and change.
While this bickering continues, Westwood Village continues to decline. The merchants are in favor of this project, 2,000 homeowners and people who work in Westwood are in favor of the project and Councilman Feuer is in favor of the Village Center Westwood project.
That this small minority of residents can block progress on such a promising and important addition to the community is shameful.
Westwood 2000