The Women’s NBA launched its first season June 21, when the Los Angeles Sparks sold out the home opener at the Forum. Teams in Houston and Cleveland also sold out their opening games. But some observers warn that the new league could be little more than a short-lived curiosity. The Business Journal Forum asks:
Will the Los Angeles Sparks be successful, and will you attend any of the games?
Cindy White
Director of Real Estate
Warner Music Group
I think it’s a wonderful idea because women’s basketball is getting more notoriety. It was certainly evident in the Olympics. If they happen to be really good athletes, I’m sure they’ll get an audience. Of course I would go see them.
David Rock
Vice President, Regional Manager
The Voit Cos.
It would be subject to the players. It’s fun to go out and see a player you enjoy. If I developed that kind of interest in the (Sparks), then absolutely I would go watch them. I think they’re talented enough.
Penny Pfaelzer
Senior Vice President
Ogilvy Adams & Rinehart
I think it has limited potential. I think a lot of sports are (successful) because of superstars. It’s an awfully long-term investment to create one. And no, I wouldn’t go to any of the games.
Tony Angellotti
The Angellotti Co.
Let me tell you that the key to a successful sports venture is the competitiveness. If there is a competitiveness to the sport, people will go. Hockey didn’t catch on in L.A. until they had a competitive team. And no, I won’t go to any games. I don’t like basketball.
Court Crandall
Co-Creative Director
Ground Zero Advertising
Unfair as it may be, I don’t think it will be successful. I don’t think it will draw enough crowds. If we can’t even keep a professional football team, I don’t know how we would keep a women’s professional basketball team. As big a sports fan as I am, I don’t think I’ll be going. Between work and family life, I don’t even have time to use my Lakers tickets.
Richard Gentilucci
Vice President
Shamrock Holdings, Inc.
I will attend the games. I would hope they would be successful. I enjoy basketball the most of all sports, and whether it’s (male or female) it’s enjoyable to watch. Good basketball is good basketball.