1996 Accomplishments
The Business Council is a regional, private sector alliance of companies diligently working to improve business and economic growth as a means to enhance the quality of life in Orange County.
We are proud to share our 1996 major accomplishments and are heartened by the fact our hard work is beginning to pay major dividends as Orange County was recently named the #1 place to live in all of North America by Places Rated Almanac
Economic Development:
– Helping retain more than 2,700 jobs in Orange County from six different industries with a combined payroll impact of $105 million
– Attracting an additional $5.3 million into the county through on-location feature film, television, commercial and still photography shoots encouraged by the Orange County Film Commission
– Aiding the formation of the first countywide Tourism Council to further boost the region’s top industry
– Showcasing Orange County at three trade shows and during a New York trade mission, resulting in over 50 leads of companies interested in possibly moving to the area
– Publishing a new booklet highlighting Orange County assets for marketing the area to new and expanding businesses worldwide
– Publishing an OCBC Resource Series of pamphlets covering: the county economic profile; county economic incentives and development fees; and state and federal incentive programs
– Being honored by the Orange County Board of Supervisors for developing a Model Film Permit Ordinance to help cities attract, manage and benefit from film production
– Initiating a “Top 100” visit program to bring together local governmental officials with the leaders of the top 100 companies in Orange County to ensure coordinated efforts and retention of major businesses in the region
Public Affairs:
– Winning approval for a responsible plan to phase out costly mandatory business rideshare programs
– Taking a strong local leadership position on defeating anti-business Proposition 21l in Orange County and providing a business voters’ guide on other key election issues
– Effectively articulating the economic and global benefits of an international airport at El Toro, while insisting upon protections for Orange County’s quality of life
– Representing the views of the Orange County business community on over 20 pieces of legislation under review at the state level
– Publishing the first Advocacy Action Guide, a compilation of Business Council positions on key public policy issues impacting the business community
– Raising more than $13,000 through BIZPAC to support pro-business candidates and issues for the November election
– Successfully articulating the needs of businesses for consistency and cost-effectiveness in the permitting process for hazardous materials management
– Joining the legal battle to protect the ability of businesses to perform professional services under contract with public agencies
– Hosting an Annual Dinner Meeting for 1,000 local business leaders, featuring Dr. William Bennett, co-director of Empower America, best-selling author (Book of Virtues and others), and former chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities, Secretary of Education, and director of the Office for National Drug Policy
Strategic Initiatives:
– Helping secure a grant to build a UCI Photonics Incubator which will spin off new businesses and jobs from laser, optic and detector technologies
– Playing a leadership role in securing a grant to provide training for high-paying multimedia industry jobs in Orange County
– Developing a defense adjustment program which assists companies in converting defense products/services into new business opportunities
– Serving a primary role in establishing a California Manufacturing Technology Center in Anaheim where 20 consultants work with local manufacturers to be more competitive and expand their business