Senior Attorney (Partner)
Theodora Oringher PC
Linda Hatcher is a corporate, transactional and health care lawyer. She has represented clients across diverse industries and has extensive experience in the health care industry. Hatcher’s earlier career was in business management. Prior to becoming a lawyer, she was a business manager with American Hospital Supply Corporation (now Baxter). That experience enables her to appreciate the needs of her clients when assisting them with legal matters. Since 1994 she has practiced with Theodora Oringher PC, a firm celebrating its 30th Anniversary this year. Hatcher is a senior attorney (partner) with the firm. Her areas of expertise include business formations, mergers and acquisitions, contracts, licensing and regulatory (business and professional), health care regulatory, governance, corporate maintenance, employment, dissociations and dissolutions. She often serves as outside general counsel to clients. She is also well-known as a health care business lawyer, representing primarily those in the business of providing care.