Loren Sokolow has in excess of 40 years of experience in the finance and business operations of multiple firms across many industries. He has held a variety of increasingly responsible positions throughout his career, including roles in Human Resources, budgeting and financial analysis, information systems management, as well as contract administration and strategic planning.
Sokolow’s work experience is varied, with time at the Atomic Energy Commission in Germantown Maryland in the 1980s, as well as his current tenure with Psomas of 18 years. His role in Psomas as CFO and a member of the Strategic Leadership Team has been to provide accurate and timely information to the operational business units, and to provide continuity throughout multiple leadership changes. He has held a variety of increasingly responsible positions throughout his career, including roles in Human Resources, budgeting and financial analysis, information systems management, as well as contract administration and strategic planning.
Sokolow’s current role includes the responsibility for the company’s annual operating plan, as well as review of the five-year corporate strategic plan. Additionally, mid year forecasting, responsibility for the periodic financial reviews, and the long term financial planning for the financial health of the firm are part of his organizational role. Sokolow has also been integral in the ongoing progress of Psomas becoming a majority ESOP owned company, including the analysis of ESOP transitional repurchase obligations, and the ongoing annual valuation review.