

20 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK: General Motors Corp. unveiled its new Chevrolet Citation and other sleek X-cars in Los Angeles with the hope that the $2.7 billion line would crack the strong sales of imported cars in the region Parsons Corp. announced a $1 billion deal for construction work to expand Arco’s oil and natural gas facilities on the North Slope of Alaska.

THE NEWSMAKER: A.B. Maheras, secretary-treasurer of Los Angeles Local 208 of the Teamsters Union, said as many as 8,000 long-haul drivers had struck 13 Southern California firms and been locked out of seven truck terminals as part of a national contract dispute.


MARCH 29, 1979

Dow Jones Industrial Average 866.77

London gold $241/oz.

Four polyester cord tires $88

New Ford Pinto $3,499

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