

Park Labrea’s Side of Story

One person’s “hulking” community is another’s celebration of art moderne, so we’ll let your commentary about the aesthetics of Park Labrea in L.A. Stories (“Senior Web Surfers,” Feb. 8) slide. On several other points, however, we must take exception.

The arrival of Media One’s Broadband services cable, Internet access, local phone services is certainly welcome, but we didn’t “get wired” to attract a younger crowd because we don’t need to. Media One’s technology follows a host of other improvements that have maintained Park Labrea as a community which appeals to young and old alike.

It is true that, once upon a time, young housewives who sought apartments at Park Labrea knew that it would be wise to wear a hat and white gloves to their interview, but times have changed. We’re pleased that most Park Labrea residents think elegance, past and present, makes for a pretty good place to live, and we’re sure they hold that view regardless of their age or their desire to be “wired.”


General Manager

Park Labrea

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