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The Diverse Culture Behind an Inclusive Mission

Mental Health America of Los Angeles (MHALA) is proud of the agency’s diversity, equity, and inclusion: More than 72 percent of those it serves are BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color), and more than 76 percent of MHALA’s staff are BIPOC. MHALA also employs many LGBTQ staff. Over 25% of MHALA staff have lived experience or family experience with poverty or mental or physical health challenges. Today 64.1% of agency leaders (managers and above) are BIPOC. On our Board of Directors, 36% are BIPOC (18% LatinX, 9% Asian, and 9% Black). In addition, the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors is 50% BIPOC.

Believing that it is not enough to have a diverse staff population, MHALA embraces the goal of representative leadership and a seat at the table in all aspects of decision making and input within the agency. Today the organization is proud that its staff leadership and board leadership reflect the make-up of those it serves and the makeup of its diverse staff.

To encourage and celebrate its diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout the organization, MHALA does the following:
• All 36 members of the agency’s diverse staff leadership team meet monthly and are encouraged to weigh in on agency strategy, initiatives, goals, and issues.
• Through frequent Town Hall meetings, MHALA’s CEO communicates with all agency staff (approximately 400 staff) about directions and issues. Staff are given the opportunity for discussion and questions both in the meeting and subsequently.
• Task forces working on specific agency initiatives are made up of diverse representation from both leadership and staff.
• The agency regularly celebrates special days and events related to diversity. Juneteenth was celebrated as a holiday at MHALA before it became a national holiday.
• The agency has regular trainings that address diversity, equity and inclusion, including an all agency 4-part series that addresses diversity, equity and inclusion through topics such as allyship and communication.
• A key component of the agency’s diversity, equity and inclusion efforts involves the facilitation of participation at every level of the agency. MHALA staff participated in an all-agency tribute to support the Asian American and Pacific Islander community following anti-Asian behavior in the general community. The agency similarly created an impactful expression of support and appreciation for the Black and African American community. Both of these efforts were widely distributed throughout the MHALA community and via social media to the larger community. MHALA regularly participates in LGBTQ celebrations and events.

Feedback from staff indicates that MHALA’s inclusive culture is a large reason for its low turnover. Staff want to work in an agency where all are included at all levels, and MHLA strives to achieve that goal.

MHALA has been a pioneer in mental health service, advocacy, innovation, and training for nearly a century, working to ensure that people with mental health needs achieve meaningful, healthy lives in their communities.

Established in 1924, MHALA is among the largest and most comprehensive nonprofit mental health agencies in Los Angeles County. MHALA pioneered the recovery model, now widely used across the United States, which meets individuals where they are, focuses on strengths, respects client choice, and integrates care. Fundamental to the recovery model is the belief that people who have faced mental health challenges can and do recover.
The agency supports nearly 16,800 low-income and no-income individuals with integrated services. MHALA achieves impact in the areas of mental healthcare, homelessness and housing, supported employment, wellness, training for the behavioral health workforce and for community members, and public policy and advocacy, with special programs for Veterans and transition-age youth.

Learn more at MHALA.org.

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