Tami Pardee
Founder and CEO
Halton Pardee + Partners
As founder and CEO of Halton Pardee + Partners, Tami Pardee has built a concierge real estate company that has sold over $3.6 billion worth of residential and commercial properties. In the past 15 years, Halton Pardee + Partners has donated over $1.3 million toward uplifting underserved areas of Venice and West Los Angeles.
Refereed to as the “queen” of Venice, Pardee recently sold Scissor Sisters co-founder Jake Shears’ iconic 1930s Los Angeles house. Over the last 12 months, she has sold 240 units/$421,731,936 per MLS. Some of her most notable sales include 1110 Maytor Place at $15 million, 311 N. Saltair Ave at $8.5 million and 772 Kingman Ave at $7.6 million.