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Los Angeles
Monday, Mar 10, 2025

Who’s Brokering Los Angeles (June 25): Lee Shapiro

Kennedy Wilson

Justin Weiss (Vice President)

Lee Shapiro and Justin Weiss are a brokerage duo driving significant growth in Downtown LA this year, specifically the South Park submarket, completing 36 deals totaling $65,886,614 in value across 199,085 total square feet. With a lease consideration of almost $44 million and a sales consideration for two deals valued at $21.9 million, the pair were a leasing powerhouse these past 12 months. It’s hard to walk more than a block in DTLA without seeing a Kennedy Wilson leasing sign hanging in the window of new developments and historic buildings alike. Of the team’s 34 leasing transactions in 2017, 11 were located in the South Park submarket of DTLA, which just a few years ago was home to mostly parking lots.

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