Deborah J. Fox
Meyers Nave Riback Silver & Wilson, PLC
Deborah Fox is a Principal in the Los Angeles office of Meyers Nave. She is a member of the firm’s three-person Executive Committee. She founded, built and leads two of the firm’s most prominent statewide practices – its Trial and Litigation practice and its First Amendment practice. The cases that Fox handles confirm her reputation as a go-to attorney for a specialty area of legal expertise – high impact litigation and crisis management. She is selected by government entities, such as cities, counties and special districts, to handle their most complex, controversial and critical matters that are already front-page news or likely to become a headline as the case unfolds. The precedent-setting impact of her work was confirmed on February 19, 2020 when the California Supreme Court announced that it accepted for review one of Fox’s first-impression cases with the potential for statewide impact.