57 F
Los Angeles
Friday, Mar 28, 2025

Leaders of Influence: Private Equity Advisors – FABIO SIMI

Fabio Simi

Senior Vice President, Private Equity
and M&A Services


Fabio Simi is a senior vice president in the Private Equity and M&A practice of Marsh in Los Angeles. The practice provides private equity firms, corporations and the M&A advisory community with pre-acquisition risk due diligence, reps and warranties insurance, tax insurance, and transactional resources throughout the life cycle of an asset. Marsh’s team acts as an external advisor to help manage a portion of the acquisition process to help identify potential risk elements of a deal, lower transaction costs, or help facilitate “stuck deals” where an insurance policy eases the concerns on both sides of a transaction. Prior to joining Marsh, Simi served as a managing director in the Institutional Equity Sales group at Cowen and Company and Lehman Brothers. His other experience includes serving as president at California Peptide Research, Inc. a chemical reagent manufacturing company.

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