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Los Angeles
Monday, Mar 31, 2025

Subway Report Seeks New Location of Century City Station

The final environmental report for the Westside subway extension recommends building the Century City station at Constellation Boulevard and Avenue of the Stars rather than along Santa Monica Boulevard.

Though the Metro board can opt to build the station elsewhere, the environmental import report released Monday makes the Constellation Boulevard station the most likely option.

Metro spokesman Dave Sotero said the Constellation location was recommended because of the presence of a fault beneath the proposed Santa Monica station.

If Metro follows the recommendation, it will mean tunneling beneath Beverly Hills High School, a move the Beverly Hills city and school district leaders have opposed since the Constellation station was proposed in 2008.

But the Constellation location is favored by the Century City Chamber of Commerce and area businesses, which say more passengers will ride the extended subway line if it stops at Constellation, in the middle of Century City, rather than Santa Monica, which marks the district’s northern boundary.

Metro estimates about 8,600 daily passengers would use the subway if it stops at Constellation stop, compared to 5,500 if it stops at Santa Monica.

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James Rufus Koren Author