Stop Name-Calling, Start Building
It saddens me to read the vitriolic letters, the name-calling and accusations, in order to make a point.
There are numerous shopping centers around the Los Angeles area with movie theaters as part of their attraction, yet I never hear such malls called things like “Century City Movie Mall” or “Third Street Movie Mall,” despite significant numbers of movie screens in each.
There are many of us who moved to Westwood, indeed as close to the Village as possible, so we could walk to its many attractions, especially movies. We like the idea of having many choices and staying out of our cars.
The new Village Center Westwood is very community-friendly. We’re delighted that it will include a supermarket, which is sorely needed, as well as upscale shops. And a public library within walking distance is a dream.
I am not the only person who believes that the Specific Plan, while it was probably conceived with good intent, has contributed to the decay of Westwood. Renewal came to a standstill, stores closed and were not replaced, and we have been constantly confronted with boarded-up windows and “for lease” signs in windows. We learned recently that Borders book store would have liked to locate in the Village, but was unable to conform to the restrictions of the Specific Plan.
I am rather amused to hear that the Mann Theater developers have “pledged to adhere closely to the Specific Plan” when indeed, by their own admission, they deviate from the Plan restrictions on height and parking, as well as closure of the alley. I don’t necessarily object to these deviations, but they should be recognized.
We too are delighted to know that Michael Chow will open a restaurant in the Dome Building, which is, in fact, owned by Ira Smedra.
There is room for all of these improvements in Westwood. Let’s get behind them and renew our neighborhood as soon as we can.