My Favorite Sites


My Favorite Sites

by Jon Shestack

Independent film producer; Founder, Cure Autism Now

This is a pretty low-tech site that tells you, up to the minute, which books or scripts or pitches just got sold to the studios. There’s lots of buying and selling going on every day, so if you go to this site it helps you keep aware of who the up-and-coming writers are. And it’s not only about the big million dollar script sales, it’s also has small pitches that are sold to independent studios.

This site is probably the best single source on charity in America. It tells you who is giving away money, what the deadlines are (for certain charities), as well as information about new tax laws. There are all sorts of legal issues in philanthropy, accounting rules, etc., and this stuff is really important because it affects your annual report. It’s really a site for people who are in the field. For anyone who works for a charity or does fundraising, this is a great site.

This is a site that gives you all sorts of projects to do in the garden with your kids. Mostly what the site does is tell you about all the different kinds of plants and the bugs that eat them. But it also gives you projects to do with your kids when to put the winter flowers in, what to do with the bulbs, etc.

Conor Dougherty

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