Gov. Jerry Brown has vetoed all but one of bills that the California Chamber of Commerce had identified as “job killers.”
Brown vetoed a bill that would have increased the amount employers would have to pay in workers’ compensation for chronic disabilities only partially caused by work. He also vetoed a bill that would have required employers to provide up to three days of unpaid bereavement leave.
But Brown on Sunday did sign a chamber-opposed bill that limits the ability of prospective employers to use credit reports to screen out job applicants. This was the only one of 30 bills the chamber identified as job killers that Brown signed into law; he vetoed the other four that reached his desk.
“We commend Gov. Brown for vetoing nearly all … job killers,” said Allan Zaremberg, chief executive of the California Chamber of Commerce. “His commitment to ‘do no more harm’ to California’s economy will send a strong message that eliminating economic uncertainty is the first element of any program to make California more competitive.”
Last month, Brown vetoed a bill that would have limited the ability of judges to reduce attorney fees in some fair employment and housing litigation.
Brown also vetoed a bill — not on the chambers list — that would have required more extensive economic and environmental impact reports before a superstore such as Wal-Mart could win local government approval.