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Los Angeles
Sunday, Feb 23, 2025

20 in their 20s: James Shani

James Shani, 28

Madison + Vine, a Beverly Grove content studio that works with emerging filmmakers and cross-platform content.

Employees: 21

Financials: Projected 2017 revenue of $10 million.

What led you to start your own business?

I studied marketing and film production at USC and saw: 1) how underrepresented emerging filmmakers were, and 2) the inefficiencies in old/traditional production companies. I knew I could create a better model.

Where did you get the startup money?

Playing Texas hold ’em at the Hustler Casino during nights and weekends.

What’s been the biggest challenge?

Bootstrapping in general. It wears on you as a CEO and on your team at times. But it forces you to focus, be resourceful, and get your business to a place that proves its long-term viability.

What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned?

People, people, people. You always read about founders talking about hiring being the most important thing, and it’s probably cliché by now. But it truly is the single most crucial aspect of any business.

How many hours a day do you put in?

Including my morning meditation practice and a workout, 16 to 17. But I’m a big believer in getting your seven to eight hours of sleep and try hard to get it.

Has your youth led to any awkward situations, such as when you supervise older employees?

Not really. I’m an old soul and most people say I’m 28 going on 40.

Would you start another company?

Probably down the line.

Could you ever work for someone else?

It would have to be a company that was really paving the way and for a CEO I really believed in.

What do you do to unwind?

Play basketball, read/hang at a spa.

– Diane Haithman

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