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Los Angeles
Thursday, Jun 27, 2024

LA500 2024: Paul Viviano

President, Chief Executive, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles

Since 2015, Viviano has led Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, one of the largest children’s hospitals in the nation and which treats the majority of children who require complex care locally. The hospital has continuously achieved top-10 national rankings on the U.S. News Best Children’s Hospitals Honor Roll and is one of the top research funding recipients among the nation’s children’s hospitals.

What’s the best advice you ever got?
Show compassion to everyone you meet.

What’s your favorite movie, all time and in any category? What makes it your favorite movie?
“The Godfather,” a powerful family story.

What’s at the top of your bucket list?
Driving across Italy as a participant in the Mille Miglia auto race.

What was your first car?
A baby-blue and white 1959 Ford Fairlane convertible.

Like to have it back?
I thought it was a great car at the time, but I’m not sure I would want it back today.

What’s the best thing about living in Los Angeles?
The sheer diversity that translates into the city’s tremendous array of cultural assets make the City of Angels one of the most wonderful places in the world.


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