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Nearly 100 Local Executives Join LA Chamber’s New CEO Council

Nearly 100 C-suite executives from local companies and institutions have joined the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce's newly created CEO Council that will advise the chamber on key challenges facing the local business community.
The CEO Council announced Nov. 4 will initially focus on ways to boost affordable housing and workforce development. The hope is that the combined clout of the top-level executives on the council will lend weight to the strategies and solutions it endorses.

Initially, the council is being led by chamber Chief Executive Maria Salinas and Board Chair Raul Anaya, who is also president of business banking and president of the greater Los Angeles region for Charlotte, N.C.-based Bank of America. The pair spearheaded the effort to create the council over the past year or so as an attempt to help the local economy recover from the ravages of the Covid pandemic and resulting business lockdowns. The council has been meeting informally for several months as it has ramped up in size.

“We are looking to unify the business community at the CEO level,” Salinas said. “This council will help establish policies to enable the region and its economy recover, rebound and thrive over the long term.”

As of Nov. 3, 89 executives — about two-thirds of them chief executives and most of the rest presidents or other top-level executives — had publicly committed to participate on the council. Salinas said another dozen executives have indicated they wish to serve on the council but still needed to go through governance approvals from their respective companies.

Many of the participating executives are familiar names in Los Angeles civic circles, including Alan Rothenberg, chairman of Century City-based 1st Century Bank; Jerry Neuman, partner in the downtown office of multinational law firm of DLA Piper; Sean Burton, chief executive of Century City-based development company Cityview; and Elise Buik, chief executive of downtown-based United Way of Greater Los Angeles.

But there are also chief executives who have not been fixtures on L.A.’s civic scene, such as Ken Moelis, chief executive of New York-based investment firm Moelis & Co.; Jay Wintrob, chief executive of downtown-based Oaktree Capital Management; and Larry Miller, chief executive of Gardena-based mattress store Sit ‘N Sleep.

Others on the list include Hawthorne-based SpaceX's president and chief operating officer, Gwynne Shotwell; El Segundo-based Mattell's chief executive, Ynon Kreiz; Chicago-based United Airlines' president, Janet Lamkin; Beverly Grove-based Cedars-Sinai's president and chief executive, Thomas Priselac; and London-based professional services firm Ernst & Young's Los Angeles office managing partner, Andy Park. 
Anaya said the council’s members represent 13 different industries.

But notably absent from the council is substantial representation from the region’s most prominent industry: entertainment. Only one company Burbank-based payroll services firm Entertainment Partners Inc. and its chief executive, Mark Goldstein hails from that signature industry. No major studios are represented, including Burbank-based Walt Disney Co., which is the county’s largest publicly traded company by market cap and the largest Fortune 500 company still headquartered in the county.

Both Salinas and Anaya said they are hoping to grow the council’s roster of C-suite members in coming months and years, including making more inroads in the entertainment industry. Salinas said the chamber has reached out to Disney and held preliminary discussions with executives there, but as of Nov. 3, there was no firm commitment from Disney to join.

Another challenge for the new council: succeeding in making a mark on both the local business community and the region as a whole over the long term. The last group of local chief executives to leave such a mark was the Committee of 25 in the middle decades of the last century, which among other things laid the groundwork for the redevelopment of downtown’s Bunker Hill.

Since then, the business community has become more diverse and geographically spread out, making it more difficult to marshal a unified voice. One of the more notable recent attempts was the creation of the Los Angeles County Business Federation, or BizFed, in 2008; that organization is now headquartered in Commerce. But BizFed is an umbrella organization of local business groups; it does not have dozens of corporate chief executives on its board.

Anaya acknowledged this difficult history.

“For too long the business community has not been at the table to help shape our region,” he said. “We aim to change that.”

Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce CEO Council Members


1st Century Bank Alan Rothenberg Chairman
Bank of America Raul Anaya President, Greater L.A.
Barry’s Ticket’s Barry Rudin Chief executive
BiasSync Michele Ruiz Co-founder and chief executive
Bobrick Washroom Equipment Mark Louchheim Chairman and chief executive
Bond Companies Larry Bond Chief executive
Bristol Capital Advisors Paul Kessler Owner
Business Finance Capital Jackie Dilfer Chief executive
Byte Scott Cohen Chief executive
Capital Group Tim Armour Chief executive
CBRE Lew Horne President
Cedars Sinai Hospital Thomas Priselac President and chief executive
Cityview Sean Burton Chief executive
Cordoba Corporation George Pla Chief executive
DLA Piper Jerry Neuman Partner
East West Bank Dominic Ng Chief executive
Edison International Pedro Pizarro President and chief executive
Emser Tile Brian Ghodsian President
Entertainment Partners Mark Goldstein Chief executive
Ernest Packaging Solutions Tim Wilson Chief executive
Ernst & Young Andy park Managing partner
Fazio Enterprises Steve Fazio Chief executive
Gensler Andy Cohen Co-chief executive
Goldman Sachs Gene Sykes Managing director
Hawthorne Advertising Jessica Hawthorne-Castro Chief executive
Holthouse, Carlin & Van Trigt Phil Holthouse Chief executive
Houlihan Lokey Scott Beiser Chief executive
IDEATE California Jose Atilio Hernandez President
Inter-Con Security Henry Hernandez Chief executive
Jet Center Los Angeles Levi Stockton President
JM Eagle Co. Walter Wang Chief executive
JP Morgan Bob Graziano Vice chairman
kathy ireland worldwide Stephen Roseberry President and chief marketing officer
L A Rams Kevin Demoff Chief operating officer
LA Clippers Gillian Zucker President of business operations
LA Community College District Francisco Rodriguez Chancellor
LA84 Renata Simril President and chief executive
LAACO. LTD Karen Hathaway President and managing partner
Leif Organics Adel Villalobos Chief executive
LMU Timothy Law Snyder President
Lockton Insurance Brokers Timothy Noonan President and chief executive
Los Angeles Chargers AG Spanos President, business operations
Los Angeles Tourisim & Convention Board Adam Burke President and chief executive
Lowe Enterprises Robert Lowe Chairman
Matt Construction Steve Matt Chief executive
Mattel Ynon Kreiz Chief executive
McDonald's (Franchisee) Frank Sanchez Chief executive
Mercury Air Group Joe Czyzyk Chairman and chief executive
Mercury Insurance Gabe Tirador Chief executive
Moelis & Co. Ken Moelis Chief executive
Morley Builders Charlie Mutillo Chief executive
NewMark Merrill Companies Sandy Sigal President and chief executive
NNA Services Tom Heymann Chief executive
Northern Trust Michele Havens President
Northgate Markets Oscar Gonzalez Chief executive
Oaktree Capital Management Jay Wintrob Chief executive
OSI Systems Deepak Chopra Chief executive
Parking Co of America Alex Chaves Chief executive
Penske Media Corporation Jay Penske Chief executive
Plastpro Inc. Shirley Wang Chief executive
Prodoscore Sam Naficy Chief executive
Prospect Medical Holdings Sam Lee Chief executive
Red Chamber Co. Ming Shin Kou Owner and chief executive
Renewable Resources Group Nicole Neeman Brady Managing principal
Revolution Office Jon Rashap Chief executive
Saybrook Capital Jonathan Rosenthal Chief executive
Sit 'N Sleep Larry Miller Chief executive
Snak King Co. Barry Levin Chief executive
SoCalGas Company/Sempra Scott Drury Chief executive
SpaceX Gwynne Shotwell President and chief operating officer
Stamps.com Ken McBride Chief executive
Sugarfina Diana Derycz-Kessler Owner
Superior Grocers Mimi Song President and chief executive
TELACU Michael Lizarraga Chief executive
The Pritzker Group Tony Pritzker Chief executive
The Ratkovich Company Brian Saenger President and chief executive
The Willoughby Group Denita Willoughby Chief executive
Thrive Market Nick Green Chief executive
TigerConnect Brad Brooks Chief executive
Transcend Health Michael Ochoa Chief executive
Troy Capital Partners Josh Berman Chief executive
Union Bank Greg Seibly President
United Airlines Janet Lamkin President, California
United Way of Los Angeles Elise Buik Chief executive
Univision of Los Angeles Luis Patiño President
US Bank Rudy Medina Market president
Vanir Group Dorene Dominguez Chairwoman and chief executive
Walter N. Marks Inc. Walter Marks, III Chief executive
Wells Fargo Alice Juarez Region President – Los Angeles

Howard Fine
Howard Fine
Howard Fine is a 23-year veteran of the Los Angeles Business Journal. He covers stories pertaining to healthcare, biomedicine, energy, engineering, construction, and infrastructure. He has won several awards, including Best Body of Work for a single reporter from the Alliance of Area Business Publishers and Distinguished Journalist of the Year from the Society of Professional Journalists.

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