Elected Member, Executive Board;
Member, Diversity Committee;
Firm Pro Bono Chair, California Offices
Robins Kaplan LLP
David Martinez is an equity partner and prominent leader at the national trial law firm, Robins Kaplan LLP. A member of Robins Kaplan’s Executive Board, Martinez weighs in on major policy decisions of the 200+ attorney firm. Along with his fellow board members, he steers, shapes and advises the implementation of the firm’s diversity and inclusion initiatives and other policies governing talent recruitment, retention, compensation and career development. Concurrently, he has litigated commercial disputes that have improved business practices and has parlayed his professional capital to expand access to justice to underserved rural Californians.
Resolving the most complex business disputes, Martinez represents US and international clients in conflict resolution and business counseling. Martinez is currently guiding one major national law firm through its own high-stakes partnership dispute.