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Los Angeles
Sunday, Mar 9, 2025

LABJ Insider: New Drucker Chief

Michael Kelly has long worked closely with powerful people in Los Angeles. Partly for that reason he was selected as the new chief of the Drucker Institute at Claremont Graduate University.

Kelly has been executive director of the Los Angeles Coalition for the Economy and Jobs, where he worked with such well-known board members as Kevin Demoff of the Los Angeles Rams, Wallis Annenberg of the Annenberg Foundation and Russell Goldsmith, the former chief of City National Bank. 

“Michael’s ability to collaborate with leaders from all sectors of society – business, nonprofits and government – will be a great asset to CGU,” said Len Jessup, president of the university. 

Peter Drucker, the lionized management expert and author, went to CGU in 1971, where he developed one of the country’s first executive MBA programs for working professionals. He later founded the Drucker Institute there to collect, preserve, and share his work with scholars, students, leaders and managers. He died in 2005.

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If you suspect that job hopping is common among today’s younger workers, you are correct. At least, a new survey said 73% of GenZers reported they have swapped jobs in the past five years, as did 44% of Millennials.

ResumeBuilder.com, which creates professional resume templates, commissioned SurveyMonkey to conduct the survey earlier this month. About 1,000 full-time workers up to age 40 took it; the oldest Millennials are about 40.

Why younger workers change jobs is not a mystery. They often get higher pay and better working conditions. Some get much better pay; 20% reported they increased their salary by $50,000 or more and 4% said their boost was $100,000 or more. What’s more, a huge majority of today’s younger workers always have an eye on the exit door. The survey said 39% of them are actively or at least passively job searching. 

The Insider is compiled by Editor-in-Chief Charles Crumpley. He can be reached at [email protected].

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